Course Syllabus


CLASS SCHEDULE: The authoritative schedule of readings, assignments, and exams is here: (click to view the schedule). This will be updated as necessary throughout the semester.

PROBLEM SETS: All problem sets are completed using Aktiv/Chem101. Click here to go to the Aktiv/Chem101 site.

STUDENT DROP-IN HOURS (no appointment needed)

Monday 2 - 3 pm (in my office, Sci 352)

Tuesdays 11 am - 12 noon (at the STEM Hub)

Thursdays 1 - 2 pm (in my office, Sci 352)

If these times do not work, contact me to schedule another time to meet.

CHEMISTRY TUTORS (no appointment needed; just come by the STEM Hub in the Science Building)

Sundays 7 - 9 pm

Tuesdays 7 - 9 pm

Thursdays 7 - 9 pm

Course Summary:

Date Details Due